Recover345’s Weblog

June 4, 2010

Are You Losing Sight of Your Summer Drinking Pattern

Because it’s the summer, people tend to have picnics, barbecues and add drinking some beers into the mix. This can actually be adding more alcohol than you think into your system. Because it’s easy to shoot the breeze for a few hours with family and friends, you may be unconsciously picking up more beer than you think. Try to limit yourself to 1-2 and if you have a problem or history of drinking you should focus on sodas and water instead. Do not tempt yourself.

It isn’t the beer that relaxes you, but it’s your state of mind. You can get the state of mind by humor, affirmations, visualization, thinking about your good qualities and many other ways. Don’t rely on alcohol for that because it is actually a depressant. It does not pick you up. An alcoholic personality will find ways to dismiss and justify the habits. It is best to instead just repeat good habits and not think you can control your intake.

When you show others you can be fun, relax and be funny without beer, you are also giving them a message about good living. This is contagious and people will appreciate it. Instead of behaving in a way that can lead to an alcoholic intervention , you will be cultivating a lifestyle that enables you to be social without addiction. This is sorely needed in our world today. Remember that you and others are also driving after a gathering and this can have deadly consequences.

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