Recover345’s Weblog

January 10, 2009

Alcopops are Not Innocent

Filed under: addiction,alcoholism — recover345 @ 8:20 pm
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Alcopops are sweet beverages but they are deceptive as they have 5-7 percent alcohol. They are actually not innocent fruity drinks by any stretch of the imagination. It’s good to question your kids about these sweetened drinks in case they are drinking them. Sadly, manufacturers are playing into young teens and college students who don’t like the taste of beer and want it more palatable.

Read more about Teens and Alcopops to get informed about this. In Illinois they are banning in kids’ games alcopop depictions-this includes Boone’s Farms and Smirnoff’s. These are called “girlie drinks” sometimes but they are higher in alcohol than most people realize.

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