Recover345’s Weblog

December 2, 2008

What Are the Effects of Alcoholism on Yourself and Family

Drinking effects both yourself and others. A great motivator is to think about how you want your life to be when you are older. What activities do you hope to be able to do when you get more free time? The effects on one’s liver and general health can really grow in time. If a group of people that are concerned about you held an Alcoholic Intervention and you’ve ignored it, take a little time to reflect on what they wanted you to hear.

Also, what are you missing now in your kids’ lives? You may be with them but the effects of alcoholism can make you less present than you’d be otherwise. They’ll sense you aren’t really participating. These years shape them and their choices in relationship partners, their self-esteem and belief in themselves.

I’ve had a lot of clients in my therapy practice that are children of alcoholics. Some drink and some don’t. Sometimes kids imitate their parents and end up in adolescent drug rehab. The ones that don’t drink all have stories and strong memories of their childhoods. They may not have resentment, but they talk about times when their recitals or sports games were skipped by their parent who was unable to go. Some also speak about how they didn’t really think they could acheive since their mom or dad didn’t do much with his or her life. This of course, isn’t always the case. Some kids decide to be opposite of their parents. They may though get involved with someone who has an addiction and they can be the savior in relation to.

Learn more about Effects of Alcoholism and break free by believing in your higher potential.

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